‘A Fredom to Learn’ is a documentary film made of the RIVER persons, by the RIVER persons and for the RIVER persons. Not entirely true, but close! In June 2008, our Director, Mrs Radhika Herzberger, released the first copy of this documentary. The film traces the origins of RIVER’s history and elaborates the various aspects of the MGML Methodology. Shot entirely on locations in our own Satellite Schools, the authenticity of the unfolding story of RIVER is unquestionable. There is an introduction by Radhika akka on the need for developing rural education in this area. The Directors, RIVER, Padmanabha and Rama Rao explain, in some detail, this memorable journey. Our local teams were assisted in the camera work by Miguel Vázquez-Prada Baillet and Cecilia Paredes Aguirre - the former Spanish and the latter Mexican – two youngsters whose hard work contributed to a large extent in the making of this film. The rich deep voice of our own Teacher, Ms B Smitha, narrates the story of RIVER throughout the film. In the background of this 30 minute documentary is the sublime music score created by Rishi Valley’s own Music Director, Mr T.S. Seshadri. Assisted in Direction, by the Resource Persons of RIVER, T Venu and E Ramu, the film is directed by Raju Asirvadam.
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